Councillor Bob Kilmister

Liberal Democrat Focus Team Councillor for the Dinas Cross Ward on Pembrokeshire County Council. Regular posts about Pembrokeshire County Council matters rarely published elsewhere. Focus working all year round, not just at election times. Learn more

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Speeding Problems in Dinas Cross

by admin on 27 October, 2008

In conjunction with the Community Council and Paul Davies AM we are trying to get the police and the Trunk Road Agency to tackle this issue.

The Community Council have raised the funds to install Vehicle Activated Signs but the Trunk Road Agency will not let them and the County Council install them.

The Camera Safety Partnership have divided Dinas Cross into three and say as a result it does not qualify to be monitored. If it were treated as one place then it comfortably meets all the criteria.  Why did they divide it into three?  If they had attending our recent meeting they could have explained but instead they and the TRA decided to snub us.

 It is incredibly frustrating to try and get action or at least some progress on this issue.  I have written to the Chief Constable and the TRA as has Paul Davies AM who attended our recent meeting and has been extremely positive.  This is not a political issue and I thank him for trying to help us.

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