Liberal Democrat Focus Team Councillor for the Dinas Cross Ward on Pembrokeshire County Council. Regular posts about Pembrokeshire County Council matters rarely published elsewhere. Focus working all year round, not just at election times. Learn more
by admin on 22 March, 2011
Bob Kilmister, County Councillor for Dinas Cross, has filed a written complaint with the National Park concerning a recent planning decision. The decision involved Mr Roy Davies, aged 73, who has a pigeon loft on his land in Dinas Cross,hidden away behind some hedges. His racing pigeons have achieved success all over the country – even beating the Queen’s pigeons. Recently Pembrokeshire Coast National Park told Mr Davies that he needed planning permission for the pigeon loft. He duly put in an application, supported by both Dinas Community Council and Bob Kilmister. Bob Kilmister sent an email to the National Park requesting that the decision should be made by the planning committee.
However, the National Park planning officer decided to refuse Mr Davies’ application without reference to the committee. “The National park did not follow the correct procedure,” says Bob Kilmister. “ When a
Community Council disagrees with the National Park officers recommendation then they must consider the matter at their planning committee. An individual planning officer cannot decide the case.”
In response to his complaint, the planning officer said that Bob had not requested that the application should go to committee. However, that is not correct. Bob’s email was quite clear. “This is yet another example of unsatisfactory behaviour from the National Park in respect of planning matters,” says Bob. “In my view,” says Bob, “the Park is completely out of touch and is failing to communicate properly with local residents. For example, they ignored most of the representations made by local people during the recent Local Plan ‘consultation’.”
In Bob’s view, the National Park authority cannot be allowed to continue this way. Either there needs to be a radical change in their behaviour or they should lose their right to deal with
planning matters. There are no elections to the National Park. Therefore, Bob Kilmister is organising a petition to give local residents the chance to make their voice heard. If you agree that something needs to
be done, please sign the petition and return it to Bob.
As a resident living within the Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park Authority I am not satisfied with the way that planning applications are being considered at
present. I want to see radical changes to the way the Authority operates or I would like to see the Welsh Assembly Government take away the responsibility for planning
from the authority.
Signature (s)
Name (s)
Post Code
Please send back your forms to:
Bob Kilmister, Fagwyr Einon, Llanychaer, Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, SA65 9SP.
Change only happens when you make it happen.
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